Thursday, April 17, 2014

2014 Job opening in Malwa Gramin Bank April-2014

www.jobjugaad.comMalwa Gramin Bank (MGB)
Head Office, 2nd Floor, Prem Basti, D. C. Office Road, Near Street No. 10, Sangrur-148001

Malwa Gramin Bank is a Regional Rural Bank sponsored by State Bank of Patiala., invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have been declared qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2013 :

  1. Officer Scale-I : 16 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 14500 – 25700
  2. Office-Assistant (Multipurpose) : 30 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 7200 – 19300
How to Apply : Apply Online at Malwa Gramin Bank from 02/04/2014 to 16/04/2014 only.  
For more information and apply Online, visit


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