Assistant Engineer (Trainee),Junior Engineer (Trainee), Jobs & Vacancy in Engineering at Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited , Lucknow Jun 2012
Job or Vacancy Description:
Applications for these openings may be submitted “ON LINE” or Physical applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the following Executive, Supervisory & Ministerial positions.

Applications for these openings may be submitted “ON LINE” or Physical applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the following Executive, Supervisory & Ministerial positions.
Name of the Post Total Post
Assistant Engineer (Trainee): E &M Cadre 20
Assistant Engineer (Trainee): E &M Cadre 20
Junior Engineer (Trainee): E &M cadre 23
Office Assistant Grade-III (OA-III) 03
(i) For Executive Positions :- Minimum 21 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012 ( Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per U.P. Govt. Rule)
(ii) For Supervisory Positions :- For Junior Engineers:- Minimum 18 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012. (Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per UP Govt. Rule.)
(iii) For Ministerial Positions [Office Assistant-III)] :- Minimum 21 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012. (Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per UP Govt. Rule.)
(i) For Executive Positions :- Minimum 21 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012 ( Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per U.P. Govt. Rule)
(ii) For Supervisory Positions :- For Junior Engineers:- Minimum 18 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012. (Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per UP Govt. Rule.)
(iii) For Ministerial Positions [Office Assistant-III)] :- Minimum 21 yrs & Maximum 50 yrs as on 01-07-2012. (Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per UP Govt. Rule.)
For Assistant Engineer (Trainee) :- (Post Code: 1/12 to 3/12)
Four Years Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics Engineering from a University or Institution established by law in Uttar Pradesh or from any other institution recognized by State Govt.
For Assistant Engineer (Trainee) :- (Post Code: 1/12 to 3/12)
Four Years Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics Engineering from a University or Institution established by law in Uttar Pradesh or from any other institution recognized by State Govt.
For Junior Engineer : (Post Code: 4/12 to 6/12) :
Thorough Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Govt. of UP within 3 years of joining.
Thorough Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Govt. of UP within 3 years of joining.
For Office Assistant Grade-III : (Post Code 7/12)
(a) Graduate degree from any recognized University.
(b) Typing speed in Hindi/English on computer with 35/40 wpm. respectively with knowledge of MS word and MS excel in computer field.
(a) Graduate degree from any recognized University.
(b) Typing speed in Hindi/English on computer with 35/40 wpm. respectively with knowledge of MS word and MS excel in computer field.
(A). Candidate must have six (06) copies of his recent passport size coloured photographs before applying for any post.
(B) Candidates can fill the application form “ON LINE” and get the downloaded registration form or he can fill the application form Physically as per the format of Annexure ” A”.
(C) While applying ON-LINE or by Physically the email ID (Valid for at least 12 months) are mandatory fields, without which the application will not be registered. The downloaded registration application formor physical application should be duly filled in and be sent to the following Post Bag by ordinary post. Incomplete applications, without photo and signature will be rejected.
(A). Candidate must have six (06) copies of his recent passport size coloured photographs before applying for any post.
(B) Candidates can fill the application form “ON LINE” and get the downloaded registration form or he can fill the application form Physically as per the format of Annexure ” A”.
(C) While applying ON-LINE or by Physically the email ID (Valid for at least 12 months) are mandatory fields, without which the application will not be registered. The downloaded registration application formor physical application should be duly filled in and be sent to the following Post Bag by ordinary post. Incomplete applications, without photo and signature will be rejected.
STEP 2 : Read the advertisement content carefully.
STEP 3 : Click on the box “Apply “, On line application form shall appear on the screen.
STEP 4 : Fill up the online application form with your details.
STEP 5 : Click the box “SAVE”. Downloaded registered application form bearing unique control no. shall appear on the screen. Take a print-out.
STEP 6 : Paste a recent passport size photograph on the downloaded registered application form and put your signature. Keep it in an envelope. No other documents are to be sent at this stage. The envelope should be super scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_______________Post Code_________ . Send it by ordinary post (No other form of Post shall be acceptable) to :-AdvertiserPost Bag No. 007Sriniwas puri Post OfficeSriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065
STEP 2 : Read the advertisement content carefully.
STEP 3 : Click on the box “Apply “, On line application form shall appear on the screen.
STEP 4 : Fill up the online application form with your details.
STEP 5 : Click the box “SAVE”. Downloaded registered application form bearing unique control no. shall appear on the screen. Take a print-out.
STEP 6 : Paste a recent passport size photograph on the downloaded registered application form and put your signature. Keep it in an envelope. No other documents are to be sent at this stage. The envelope should be super scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_______________Post Code_________ . Send it by ordinary post (No other form of Post shall be acceptable) to :-AdvertiserPost Bag No. 007Sriniwas puri Post OfficeSriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065
General Instructions:
1. Candidates shortlisted in the written test shall be called for the interview/group discussion/ typing test as the case may be, at specified date,
1. Candidates shortlisted in the written test shall be called for the interview/group discussion/ typing test as the case may be, at specified date,
2. Only those candidates who will qualify the type test will be finally selected, failing which, the candidate shall not be selected in final selection. However, the type test and interview of the shortlisted candidates may be held on the same day at same venue.
3. If any of the required document mentioned above is found to be missing or unsatisfactory, candidature of the applicant shall automatically be cancelled at any stage of recruitment, even after appointment. The responsibility of the same shall be entirely on the candidate and Nigam shall not be responsible in any of such cases.
4. All information regarding uploading of admit card/interview letter on the website will be sent through email only. U.P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. will not be responsible for loss of email/admit cards, sent due to wrong/invalid email ID, loss in transit etc.
5. Candidate must have six (06) copies of his recent passport size coloured photographs before applying for any post. (B) Candidates can fill the application form “ON LINE” and get the downloaded registration form or he can fill the application form Physically as per the format
6. Paste a copy of same passport size photograph, as that pasted on Physical application form/ down loaded registered application Form, on this down loaded Admit Card. Carry it to the examination centre mentioned therein on the date and time indicated in the admit card.
7. candidate shall not be allowed to appear in the written test. Also keep with you 04 more copies of the same colourerd photograph for later use in the selection process.
Tentative Last Date :02-07-2012
About the organization:
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) was constituted on dated 25.08.1980 under the Companies’ Act 1956 for construction of new thermal power projects in the state sector. The first Thermal Power Station constructed by UPRVUNL was Unchahar Thermal Power Station of 2X210 MW capacity and it was transferred to NTPC on dated 13.02.1992. On dated 14.01.2000, in accordance to U.P. State Electricity Reforms Acts 1999 and operation of U.P. Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2000, U.P. State Electricity Board, till then responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power within the state of Uttar Pradesh, was unbundled and operations of the state sector thermal power stations were handed over to uprvunl.Today it is looking after operations of five thermal power plants located in different parts of U.P., with a total generation capacity of 4082 MW with planting facility as follows.
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) was constituted on dated 25.08.1980 under the Companies’ Act 1956 for construction of new thermal power projects in the state sector. The first Thermal Power Station constructed by UPRVUNL was Unchahar Thermal Power Station of 2X210 MW capacity and it was transferred to NTPC on dated 13.02.1992. On dated 14.01.2000, in accordance to U.P. State Electricity Reforms Acts 1999 and operation of U.P. Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme 2000, U.P. State Electricity Board, till then responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power within the state of Uttar Pradesh, was unbundled and operations of the state sector thermal power stations were handed over to uprvunl.Today it is looking after operations of five thermal power plants located in different parts of U.P., with a total generation capacity of 4082 MW with planting facility as follows.
Address :
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Post Bag No. 007
Sriniwas puri Post Office
Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Post Bag No. 007
Sriniwas puri Post Office
Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065
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