Madan Mohan Malaviya Hospital Delhi Junior Resident Jobs 2012 Walk in Interview
Pt Madan Mohan Malaviya Hospital PMMMH Delhi has invited candidates for attending the Walk in Interview to be conducted for Junior Resident Doctor Jobs.Interested MBBS Doctors may attend the Interview for recruitment to these JR posts as follows -
Junior Resident JR - 11 posts (UR-07,OBC-02,SC-02)
Qualification - MBBS
Upper age limit - 30 Years, relaxation of 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ ST candidates.
Pay Scale - Rs 15600-39100 + GP Rs 5400
Selection Method - Selection to these JR posts will be decided by the candidate performance in the Walk in Interview
How to Apply -
Interested MBBS Doctors need to be present at the Interview venue on due date with all the required documents in original and xerox form along with one passport size photograph.
Interested MBBS Doctors need to be present at the Interview venue on due date with all the required documents in original and xerox form along with one passport size photograph.
Place of Interview - Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Hospital, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Interview Date - 30-07-2012,Registration will be from : 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

For detailed original advertisement and application details click on to the following link -
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