Monday, August 13, 2012

jobopenings Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Phychiatry & allied Scinces (RINPAS) Ranchi

Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Phychiatry & allied Scinces (RINPAS) Ranchi is conducting Walk-in-interview for following positions:
1. Sr. Resident (Psychiatry): 03 Posts (SC-1/ BCI-1/ BCII-1) in the pay band of Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-III)+ GP Rs. 6600 & Other allowances as applicable.
2. Research Officers:
Psychiatry: 03 Posts (Gen 02/ BCI- 01)
Clinical Psychology: 01 Post (BCI-I)
Psychiatric Social Work: 02 Posts (Gen 01/ BCI-01) In the pay bad of Rs. 9300-3480 (PB II) + GP Rs. 4200 and other allownces as applicable.
Psychiatric Nurse: 12 Posts (Gen 06/ ST 03/ SC 01/ BCI-01/ BCII-01)
(Consolidated pay of Rs. 18,000/- PM on contract basis)
Interview Date: 23-08-12 at 11.00 am
For more information visit:


  1. The institute is very important thing if you want ot get professional education.

  2. 1E40C
