Job or Vacancy Description:
Central Bank of India, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites Online applicationsfrom Indian Citizens for appointment, from qualified candidates who hold a valid score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment to the Post of Probationary Officer. :
Probationary Officer (PO) : 1000 posts (UR-418, OBC-223, SC-124, ST-235) (PH-30) in JMG-I Scale Rs.14500-25500, Age : 20-30 years as on 01/07/2011, Revised
Qualification : Valid IBPS score obtained in Common Written Examination minimum 160 for General Category, 155 for OBC Category, 150 for SC Category and 130 for ST Category.
Application Fee : RS. 250/- for General & OBC Category Candidates only and Rs. 50/- for others as intimation charges at any Central Bank of India Branches in India by cash only thru a payment challan.
How to Apply : Apply Online at Central Bank Go on to the Internet on the Home page under the link “Career”, access the Recruitment Notification entitled “CENTRAL BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT – 2012-PO.Print the Recruitment Notification and the Recruitment Application Fee Payment Challan and make payment of the prescribed application fee at any Central Bank of India branch, as spelt out under After making payment of the application fees re-visit the Bank’s website and the Recruitment Notification.
General Instructions:
A) A Candidate can submit ONLY ONE ON-LINE APPLICATION. Multiple applications will be summarily rejected and the application fee forfeited.
B) After submitting the On-Line application form, with the application fee details duly entered therein, candidates are required to obtain two (2) Print-outs of the Computerized System Generated Application Form.
C) The candidate should submit, when invited for the Personal Interview, one set of photocopies of all the requisite documents alongwith the system generated application form,
D) Candidates claiming the benefit or reservations / age relaxation under the category of Persons with Disabilities ( i.e. Physically Challenged Persons)
E) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC Category should submit a photocopy of their Caste Certificate, issued by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed by the (Central) Government of India, Deptt. of Personnel & Training and Office
F) The Other Backward Class (OBC) Certificate to be submitted by OBC Candidates, at the time of Personal Interview, should be in the format prescribed by the Government of India
Tentative Last Date : 25-05-2012
About the organization:
Established in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial bank which was wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment of the Bank was the ultimate realisation of the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala, founder of the Bank. Sir Pherozesha Mehta was the first Chairman of a truly ‘Swadeshi Bank’. In fact, such was the extent of pride felt by Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala that he proclaimed Central Bank of India as the ‘property of the nation and the country’s asset’. He also added that ‘Central Bank of India lives on people’s faith and regards itself as the people’s own bank’.During the past 99 years of history the Bank has weathered many storms and faced many challenges. The Bank could successfully transform every threat into business opportunity and excelled over its peers in the Banking industry.A number of innovative and unique banking activities have been launched by Central Bank of India and a brief mention of some of its pioneering services are as under:Further in line with the guidelines from Reserve Bank of India as also the Government of India, Central Bank has been playing an increasingly active role in promoting the key thrust areas of agriculture, small scale industries as also medium and large industries.
Address :
Central Bank of India
Recruitment & Promotions Division, Human Resource Central Office,
Chander Mukhi, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021
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