hindustan Insecticides Limited , Bathinda May 2012
Job or Vacancy Description:
Hindustan Insecticides Limited , A Govt. of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers, manufactures DDT and Technical Grade pesticides is an ISO 9001:2008, EMS & OHSAS certified company, invites applications from the Indian national for the following posts to be filled for its Bathinda Unit.

Hindustan Insecticides Limited , A Govt. of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers, manufactures DDT and Technical Grade pesticides is an ISO 9001:2008, EMS & OHSAS certified company, invites applications from the Indian national for the following posts to be filled for its Bathinda Unit.
S. No. : 1
Name of Post : Finance Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 14500-350-18700
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 46675/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Passed Final examination of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants or Charted Accountants of India with 06 years experience after passing final examination in financial & cost accounting out of which about 03 years should have been in a responsible capacity in industry or Government.
Name of Post : Finance Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 14500-350-18700
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 46675/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Passed Final examination of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants or Charted Accountants of India with 06 years experience after passing final examination in financial & cost accounting out of which about 03 years should have been in a responsible capacity in industry or Government.
S. No. : 2
Name of Post : Dy. Personnel Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 13000-350-18250
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 41847/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Post Graduate Diploma holders in Business Administration with 03 years experience in Personnel Administration and Industrial Relations in any establishment out of which 02 years should have been in a responsible capacity in a factory. Requirement of experience relaxable in the case of those having post graduate diploma in Business Administration from IIM.
OR Graduate with Diploma in Personnel Administration or Social Work / Science / Industrial Relations from a recognized Institute with 06 years experience in Personnel Administration & Industrial Relation in any Establishment out of which 02 years should have been in a responsible capacity in a factory, dealing directly with Personnel Administration and Industrial Relation in all their aspects including negotiations with labor unions.
Name of Post : Dy. Personnel Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 13000-350-18250
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 41847/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Post Graduate Diploma holders in Business Administration with 03 years experience in Personnel Administration and Industrial Relations in any establishment out of which 02 years should have been in a responsible capacity in a factory. Requirement of experience relaxable in the case of those having post graduate diploma in Business Administration from IIM.
OR Graduate with Diploma in Personnel Administration or Social Work / Science / Industrial Relations from a recognized Institute with 06 years experience in Personnel Administration & Industrial Relation in any Establishment out of which 02 years should have been in a responsible capacity in a factory, dealing directly with Personnel Administration and Industrial Relation in all their aspects including negotiations with labor unions.
S. No. : 3
Name of Post : Dy. Commercial Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 13000-350-18250
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 41847/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Graduate in Engineering (preferably Mechanical) or Science Graduate with P.G. Diploma in Material Management or MBA preferably with specialization in Material Management with 07 year post qualification experience in Material Department out of which three years should have been in a responsible capacity.
Name of Post : Dy. Commercial Manager : One
Pay Scale under IDA pattern : 13000-350-18250
Total emolument on initial pay (Basic+DP+DA) : 41847/-
Qualification and Experience required :
Graduate in Engineering (preferably Mechanical) or Science Graduate with P.G. Diploma in Material Management or MBA preferably with specialization in Material Management with 07 year post qualification experience in Material Department out of which three years should have been in a responsible capacity.
Age : Not more than 40 years (as on 01/04/2012)
Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 500/-(SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted) in favor of Hindustan Insecticides Limited payable at Bathinda
How to Apply :The application should reach to theDy. Personnel Manager, Hindustan Insecticides Limited,A-4, Industrial Growth Centre Mansa Road,Bathinda (Punjab)-151001.
General Instructions:
1. Candidates working in Central Govt. / Semi Govt. / Public Sector Undertaking, are required to submit their application through proper channel or produce NOC at the time of interview, should have minimum 2 years working experience in one step below grade in the respective position.
1. Candidates working in Central Govt. / Semi Govt. / Public Sector Undertaking, are required to submit their application through proper channel or produce NOC at the time of interview, should have minimum 2 years working experience in one step below grade in the respective position.
2. Those who fulfills the prescribed norms may apply in the prescribed format with all the attested copies of qualification, Experience, age proof, Caste Certificate along with Demand Draft of Rs. 500/-(SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted) in favor of Hindustan Insecticides Limited payable at Bathinda superscribing the envelope with post applied for.
3. Out station candidates called for the interview for the above post will be paid single to and fro First Class / IIIrd A/C Fare by shortest route from their place of correspondence mentioned in the application on production of original tickets.
4. The application should reach to the Dy. Personnel Manager, Hindustan Insecticides Limited, A-4, Industrial Growth Centre Mansa Road, Bathinda (Punjab)-151001
Tentative Last Date:25-05-2012
About the organization :
HIL, a Govt. of India Enterprise, under the Deptt. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India, was incorporated in March, 1954 for supplying DDT for National Malaria Eradication Programme launched by the Govt. of India. Subsequently, the company diversified into agro pesticides to meet the requirements of agriculture sector and has grown manifold with a turnover of Rs. 2006.00 million rupees in 2006-07. Company has also entered into the field of safe and eco-friendly botanical and bio-pesticides for public health and plant protection. It has also started marketing of seeds in the northern, central and western parts of the country. The product range includes Insecticides, Herbicides, Weedecides, Fungicides etc. It has a pest control division catering to industry houses and offices.With the renewed focus on DDT, as a cost effective and efficient tool to fight Malaria, the company has ventured into export of DDT 75% WDP mainly to African countries. With US re-starting aid for procurement of DDT and WHO strongly endorsing usage of DDT for indoor spraying, the company sees a great scope in emerging as the main DDT supplier to the world as HIL is the world’s largest DDT producer. Moreover, the company has more than 50 years of experience and expertise in the manufacture of DDT.
HIL, a Govt. of India Enterprise, under the Deptt. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India, was incorporated in March, 1954 for supplying DDT for National Malaria Eradication Programme launched by the Govt. of India. Subsequently, the company diversified into agro pesticides to meet the requirements of agriculture sector and has grown manifold with a turnover of Rs. 2006.00 million rupees in 2006-07. Company has also entered into the field of safe and eco-friendly botanical and bio-pesticides for public health and plant protection. It has also started marketing of seeds in the northern, central and western parts of the country. The product range includes Insecticides, Herbicides, Weedecides, Fungicides etc. It has a pest control division catering to industry houses and offices.With the renewed focus on DDT, as a cost effective and efficient tool to fight Malaria, the company has ventured into export of DDT 75% WDP mainly to African countries. With US re-starting aid for procurement of DDT and WHO strongly endorsing usage of DDT for indoor spraying, the company sees a great scope in emerging as the main DDT supplier to the world as HIL is the world’s largest DDT producer. Moreover, the company has more than 50 years of experience and expertise in the manufacture of DDT.
Address :
Hindustan Insecticides Limited
A-4, Industrial Growth Centre Mansa Road,
Hindustan Insecticides Limited
A-4, Industrial Growth Centre Mansa Road,
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