Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow is in the process of preparing a panel of guest faculty to teach B.Sc. (Nursing) students. Application are invited from the eligible candidates with required qualification and experience to be included in the panel.Those who are interested in career in SGPGIMS Lucknow may apply for recruitment to these Vacancies as follows -
Guest Teaching Faculty for Nursing - There are vacancies in various subjects as per the details in the detailed advertisement
Qualification - Post Graduation in the concerned subject - as per the details in the detailed advertisement
Pay Scale - Person empanelled will be paid a some of Rs. 1000 for each period of one hour.Internal faculty, if empanelled will be paid a sum of Rs. 500 for each period of one hour
How to Apply -Eligible person may submit their application with full academic details and copy of
certificates to principal, college of nursing, SGPGIMS, Lucknow
Last date of Application submission - 19-05-2012
For original detailed advertisement visit the link given below -
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