Officer (Finance),Senior Officer (Finance),Senior Engineer (Mechanical),Senior Engineer – Boiler Proficient, Jobs & Vacancy in Engineering at Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Mumbai Jul 2012
Job or Vacancy Description:
The Company requires following positions;

The Company requires following positions;
1. Name of the post : Officer (Finance) : 6 Nos.
Grade & Pay Scale : E1 Grade–Rs. 16400 – 40500/-
Minimum Qualification : Chartered Accountant (CA) or Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA)
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 26 years.
Grade & Pay Scale : E1 Grade–Rs. 16400 – 40500/-
Minimum Qualification : Chartered Accountant (CA) or Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA)
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 26 years.
2. Name of the post : Senior Officer (Finance) : 6 Nos.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade–Rs. 20600 – 46500/-
Minimum Qualification : Chartered Accountant (CA) or Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA) or B. Com (Regular and Fulltime) with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post- Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in Finance Management with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in thefinal year / last two semesters.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Three years after acquiring minimum qualification required.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 29 years.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade–Rs. 20600 – 46500/-
Minimum Qualification : Chartered Accountant (CA) or Institute of Cost and Works Accountant (ICWA) or B. Com (Regular and Fulltime) with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post- Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in Finance Management with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in thefinal year / last two semesters.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Three years after acquiring minimum qualification required.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 29 years.
3.Name of the post : Senior Engineer (Mechanical) : 10 Nos.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500
Minimum Qualification : Graduate (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical Engineering from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester.
Experience as on 1st June 2012:
For eight posts : Three years’ experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) preferably in continuous process industry/batch process industry. Candidates may have hands on experience in spares and job planning, overhauling of centrifugal/ reciprocating pumps and compressors, blowers, fans, other rotating machines used in process industry, towers, reactors, packed columns, storage tanks and other pressure vessels. He should be conversant with fabrication and erection of mechanical equipment’s and piping.Preference shall be given for candidates having experience in Fertilizer and Chemical industry having exposure to SAP.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500
Minimum Qualification : Graduate (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical Engineering from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester.
Experience as on 1st June 2012:
For eight posts : Three years’ experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) preferably in continuous process industry/batch process industry. Candidates may have hands on experience in spares and job planning, overhauling of centrifugal/ reciprocating pumps and compressors, blowers, fans, other rotating machines used in process industry, towers, reactors, packed columns, storage tanks and other pressure vessels. He should be conversant with fabrication and erection of mechanical equipment’s and piping.Preference shall be given for candidates having experience in Fertilizer and Chemical industry having exposure to SAP.
For one post : Three years experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) preferably in looking after the maintenance of mechanical jobs. These jobs includes maintenance of 2 X 300 TR AC Plant associated AHU systems, AHU ducting system, building water management system, lift management, water cooler systems, etc.
For one post : Three years experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) preferably as instructor and involved in development programs in mechanical discipline. He may also be conversant with shop floor training and related practical for the Act Apprentices.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
4. Name of the post : Senior Engineer – Boiler Proficient : 4 Nos.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500
Minimum Qualification : Engineering Graduate (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Powerplant / Production / Instrumentation Engineering from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester. Additional qualification of Boiler proficiency certificate is essential.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Three years’ experience after acquiring Graduate Engineering qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any).
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
Grade & Pay Scale : E2 Grade- Rs. 20600-46500
Minimum Qualification : Engineering Graduate (4 years Regular and Full Time course) in Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Powerplant / Production / Instrumentation Engineering from Govt. recognized engineering college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in last two years / last four semester. Additional qualification of Boiler proficiency certificate is essential.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Three years’ experience after acquiring Graduate Engineering qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any).
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
5. Name of the post : Dy. Manager (Human Resource) : 2 no’s
Grade & Pay Scale : E3 Grade – Rs.24900-50500/-
Minimum Qualification : Graduation (Regular and Fulltime) in any discipline (basic qualification) with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law will be preferred. Proficiency in Marathi is desirable.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 31 years.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Six years’ experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) in HR Department dealing with Labour Administration, Industrial Relations, Grievance Handling, Welfare, Court matters etc.
Grade & Pay Scale : E3 Grade – Rs.24900-50500/-
Minimum Qualification : Graduation (Regular and Fulltime) in any discipline (basic qualification) with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law will be preferred. Proficiency in Marathi is desirable.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 31 years.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : Six years’ experience after acquiring minimum prescribed qualification (including training period of maximum 1 year if any) in HR Department dealing with Labour Administration, Industrial Relations, Grievance Handling, Welfare, Court matters etc.
6. Name of the post : Officer (Human Resource) : 1 no.
Grade & Pay Scale : E1 Grade- Rs. 16400-40500
Minimum Qualification : Graduation (basic qualification) (Regular and Fulltime) in any discipline with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law is essential. Proficiency in Marathi is desirable.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : One year experience in HR Department dealing with Labour Administration, Industrial Relations, Grievance Handling, Welfare, Court matters etc.
Grade & Pay Scale : E1 Grade- Rs. 16400-40500
Minimum Qualification : Graduation (basic qualification) (Regular and Fulltime) in any discipline with minimum 55% marks in last year and Post-Graduation Degree (Regular and Fulltime) from Govt. recognized college / university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) Specialization in HR / Personnel / Welfare / Industrial Relations with minimum 55% marks (aggregate) in the final year / last two semesters. Additional qualification in Law is essential. Proficiency in Marathi is desirable.
Upper Age Limit as on 1st June 2012 : The Upper Age Limit is 28 years.
Experience as on 1st June 2012 : One year experience in HR Department dealing with Labour Administration, Industrial Relations, Grievance Handling, Welfare, Court matters etc.
Selection : Shortlisted Candidates will be called for Personal Interview. The Company reserves the right to call only those candidates who according to its decision, rank high in terms of eligibility criteria from the applications received. Merely meeting the minimum eligibility criteria will not make any candidate automatically entitled for being called for interview. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Fee : Demand Draft from any nationalized bank (Non refundable) for an amount of Rs.500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only), drawn in favour of “Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd.,” payable at Mumbai, towards
How to Apply : Interested candidates can download the prescribed Application format Provided as Website.The duly completed application along with attested photo copies of all Educational certificates and Mark sheets starting from SSC, HSC, Graduation (all Years semester wise), Post-Graduation (all semesters), Certificate of Boiler proficiency, PWD certificate, Caste certificate if applicable, Proof of Age, Experience Certificates, DD if applicable should reach to the office ofGeneral Manager (HR) C. ,Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited,1st Floor, Room No. 108,Administrative Bldg, Chembur,Mumbai – 400074
General Instructions:
1. The candidates should specify an active e-mail id and phone number which willbe valid throughout the entire recruitment / selection process.
2. The eligible candidates will be intimated about the date, time and venue ofInterview through post and or e-mail on the e-mail id provided by them in theapplication form.
3. Candidates belonging to OBC but coming in ‘creamy layer’ will not be entitled toreservation and should apply as General category. No relaxation in age isapplicable for this category.OBC (Non creamy layer) Candidates submitting certificates in the prescribedformat and which are issued after 1st April, 2011 (as given in Annexure II) willonly be considered in the OBC category.
4. Applications of SC / ST candidates not submitted alongwith certificate in theprescribed format (as given in Annexure-III) will not be considered in SC / STcategories.The candidates have to strictly follow the instructions as regards the CasteCertificate.
5. For appearing for the Interview, all outstation candidates will be reimbursed toand fro III Tier AC Rail / Bus fare by the shortest route on production of theticket. The reimbursement will only be done on the correspondence addressmentioned by the candidate in the application form.
6. Candidates presently employed in Govt. Deptt. / PSUs / Semi Govt. Departmentswill be required to submit their applications through proper channel. However,Advance copy to RCF may be sent, if necessary.
7 The filled up Application Form along with enclosure(s) must reach at the givenaddress latest by 27th July 2012.
8. Application Form of SC/ST/PWD candidates/ Children/Family members of thevictims of 1984 riots without a copy of the prescribed certificate from competentAuthority will be rejected. Application of OBC candidates without prescribedcertificate will be subject to clause 3 above.
9. The post applied for is to be written at the top left-hand corner of the envelope,while sending the Application Form to RCF along with required documents.
10. No communication (written/telephonic) will be entertained after the closingdate of the submission of the Application Form, as regards the date of Interviewetc. the candidates should await the intimation from the Company.
1. The candidates should specify an active e-mail id and phone number which willbe valid throughout the entire recruitment / selection process.
2. The eligible candidates will be intimated about the date, time and venue ofInterview through post and or e-mail on the e-mail id provided by them in theapplication form.
3. Candidates belonging to OBC but coming in ‘creamy layer’ will not be entitled toreservation and should apply as General category. No relaxation in age isapplicable for this category.OBC (Non creamy layer) Candidates submitting certificates in the prescribedformat and which are issued after 1st April, 2011 (as given in Annexure II) willonly be considered in the OBC category.
4. Applications of SC / ST candidates not submitted alongwith certificate in theprescribed format (as given in Annexure-III) will not be considered in SC / STcategories.The candidates have to strictly follow the instructions as regards the CasteCertificate.
5. For appearing for the Interview, all outstation candidates will be reimbursed toand fro III Tier AC Rail / Bus fare by the shortest route on production of theticket. The reimbursement will only be done on the correspondence addressmentioned by the candidate in the application form.
6. Candidates presently employed in Govt. Deptt. / PSUs / Semi Govt. Departmentswill be required to submit their applications through proper channel. However,Advance copy to RCF may be sent, if necessary.
7 The filled up Application Form along with enclosure(s) must reach at the givenaddress latest by 27th July 2012.
8. Application Form of SC/ST/PWD candidates/ Children/Family members of thevictims of 1984 riots without a copy of the prescribed certificate from competentAuthority will be rejected. Application of OBC candidates without prescribedcertificate will be subject to clause 3 above.
9. The post applied for is to be written at the top left-hand corner of the envelope,while sending the Application Form to RCF along with required documents.
10. No communication (written/telephonic) will be entertained after the closingdate of the submission of the Application Form, as regards the date of Interviewetc. the candidates should await the intimation from the Company.
Tentative Last Date:27-07-2012
About the organization:
RCF as a corporate body and Government of India undertaking is responsible to the people of India, the Government as owner, Government as Government, Consumers, Employees, the Society at large and Posterity. The company is simultaneously accountable to all these agencies who have a stake in it’s successful operation, growth and welfare.Keeping these aspects in view, RCF has set for itself the following corporate goals -To help increase the national agricultural productivity by providing agricultural inputs and services.To provide the above inputs and services with least consumption of real resources and at least cost.To obtain for it’s employees as decent a standard of living and as good a quality of life as possible, consistent with the general socio-economic conditions in the country.To secure as high a return on the rate of investment as possible, keeping in view the requirements of other competing objectives.To promote self-reliance in all activities in relation to company’s operations including process know-how, design and engineering, erection, commissioning, operations, maintenance of plants and marketing of products.To manufacture and market industrial chemicals related to agricultural inputs and also others based on similar technology and intermediates, by-products, co-products and waste from the main operations.
RCF as a corporate body and Government of India undertaking is responsible to the people of India, the Government as owner, Government as Government, Consumers, Employees, the Society at large and Posterity. The company is simultaneously accountable to all these agencies who have a stake in it’s successful operation, growth and welfare.Keeping these aspects in view, RCF has set for itself the following corporate goals -To help increase the national agricultural productivity by providing agricultural inputs and services.To provide the above inputs and services with least consumption of real resources and at least cost.To obtain for it’s employees as decent a standard of living and as good a quality of life as possible, consistent with the general socio-economic conditions in the country.To secure as high a return on the rate of investment as possible, keeping in view the requirements of other competing objectives.To promote self-reliance in all activities in relation to company’s operations including process know-how, design and engineering, erection, commissioning, operations, maintenance of plants and marketing of products.To manufacture and market industrial chemicals related to agricultural inputs and also others based on similar technology and intermediates, by-products, co-products and waste from the main operations.
Address :
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited
1st Floor, Room No. 108,
Administrative Bldg, Chembur,
Mumbai – 400074
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited
1st Floor, Room No. 108,
Administrative Bldg, Chembur,
Mumbai – 400074
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